Couple Sex in the 21st Century

An active and loving sex life is an essential part of any relationship.
Over time, it is easy to fall in a rut and take couple sex for granted.

New couples may have an initial discomfort at revealing themselves naked before their partner.
A short while into a sexually active couple’s time together, there will be moments of standing around completely naked.
It is easy to fall in to a sense of shame and desire to cover up.

This confidence fosters a greater sense of wellbeing in yourself and is extremely energizing to your partner as well.
Move past the images of unattainable beauty as shown by advertising and tv.
Loving and being sexually attracted to your partners body for all its shapes and uniqueness enriches the loving bond between you.
Couple sex can transport you both into your own little world, outside of time.
Sex is a form of communication and together you can open up whole new ways of getting to know and love each other.

Sex can be so enjoyable that we rush into repeating the same variation every time in order to return to those sensations you both loved.
But other times, it can detract from the joy if it becomes soul-less and just a way to go through the motions until release.
Our brains are used to a richer set of stimulation outside of the bedroom, so having a range of ideas and aids helps keep a sex life fresh.

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